Thursday, August 11, 2011

Acupressure Wellness Points for Stiffness & Muscular Pain,

Being Stiff is not enjoyable. Counteracting stiffness was a major challenge for me. I am writing to give you easy tips, including Acupressure points, and dietary guidance, to relieve stiffness and prevent muscular problems. Part I focuses on the acupressure points within the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Part II will provide a series of vital stretches and dietary tips for reducing stiffness and pain.
Many of you ask me how to cure medical problems; I am not a medical doctor. I only teach what I know works – from my experience using these acupressure points for 40 years. In this article, I’ll tell you why stiffness occurs and what to do about it. The acupressure points for counteracting stiffness are one of the many techniques I do daily and suggest for your wellness. My video clip demonstrates these acupressure points (GB 34 and St 36) in greater depth.

The Holistic Approach to Relieving Stiffness involves the following four aspects: 1) Stretch regularly, throughout the day, whenever you get the chance, 2) Stimulate the acupressure points: GB 34, a muscle relaxant point with St 36 a muscle toning and strengthening  point by rubbing briskly with your fists on both sides, below the outer part of your knees. These points are remarkable for obtaining greater vitality, endurance, and long life. 3) Choose to think positively about issues in your life and make wise choices, and appreciate what you have, and 4) Eat more greens and less fried, rich foods.
Stiffness is a Sign your body is out of balance. Being “stiff as a board” is a wood element imbalance within your body.  However, when your wood element within is healthy and growing, your energy will be flowing, and thus your body will be naturally flexible.
The Wood Element includes your liver and gall bladder, which govern your tendons and ligaments. They become flexible and healthy by eating lots of greens and through more daily stretching.  I know this holistic approach works for not only being more flexible, but for having greater aliveness.
{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
Ramani August 10, 2011 at 12:42 pm
Very helpful. I started on it immediately. Look forward to more of your useful tips.
Marc Kaplan August 10, 2011 at 1:41 pm
As usual another great article to help people with stiffness and lack of flexibility.
Rosalinda Cano August 10, 2011 at 1:58 pm
I have yet to do the stretching, but I do soley believe that stretching is very beneficial towards being or to feel ing healthly and lively. I did not know about the wood element, but I assure you that I will follow up with this wood element. I have a good feeling about this and I will put this knowledge to work right away, because I know it will work.
Dalsukh August 10, 2011 at 2:39 pm
I am facing stiffness in my feet. It is not pain. Sensations are like a am walking on a cotton mattress or waking on rocks. It is for 24 hours. I am not diabetic, no iron and b12 deficiency. One orthopedic surgeon, named the symptom as parsthesia and also told that pathology is not known and no treatment is available. I tried shiatsu and some acupressure points without any results. GB 34 and st 36 it helps. any more suggestion? thanks.
michael August 11, 2011 at 12:29 am
I am excited to hear that you are getting relief with the Acupressure Points I presented (GB 34 and St 36) in the video. I am writing to encourage you to stimulate these points 4 or 5 times a day. Do the brisk rubbing until you feel the heat for 15 seconds. Then used your fist to tap or pound the points as you breathe deeply for another minute. Then again do the brisk rubbing until your skin has a little pink-ish tone. Repeat this simple routine 4 to 5 times a day for a couple of weeks, and let me know if it helps. If so, also press Lv 3 slowly and firmly for another minute. I hope this helps the discomfort in your feet. Please share this with others. What comes around, goes around. Let’s learn to help each other – that’s what acupressure is all about – for helping ourselves, and serving to heal others.

Sunil Kumar Sharma August 10, 2011 at 7:07 pm

Presently I am working as a career counsellor .The main problem with me is Cervical Spondylitis for which I am suffering for Last Seven Years. I am financially not very healthy soif you can send me some acu points for getting well from this problem I will PROMOTE all the products from your company. Hope to get response from your side. With thanks
michael August 11, 2011 at 12:45 am
For your cervical neck pain problem, I suggest that you practice the self-healing techniques in the Acupressure Stress Relief DVD for relieving your own neck pain. I realize that this will be an investment for you. The relief you get will be worth it. In this one-half hour program, I show and guide you step by step what to do to get neck pain relief. Practice it once or twice a day – to discover the benefits.

Hastings August 10, 2011 at 7:39 pm

I love this stuff about stiffness stretching . I will give a try, i alraedy believe it will work.
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